




Here are some rings - most are silver but some are silver and gold
The next few pictures will be closer shots of these rings

Big band is silver, smaller band gold with a blue gem

Band is silver with three small diamonds and large purple gem
Large silver band with several small diamonds
Silver band the design and the gem casing is gold
Silver band, purple gem, gold casing around gem
Lower band is gold, top band silver with black pearl
Two rings: Left ring has a Egyptian look with gold band and floating amber gem; Right ring is a small gold band
Both rings have silver bands with gold gem casing
Pearls, silver and gold plates with goldish gem
Silver necklace with yellow gem
Necklace: 6 strands
Gold necklace, small diamond and black pearl
Green pearl earings (4 small diamonds in each), gold necklace with brown gem, pearl necklace and pearl wrapped ring
Closer look at the pearl wrapped ring
Redish/purple gem necklace with gold plat, diamond and black pearl. Small gold earings with small diamond in left corner
Red stone necklace with large white pearl; gold heart earing with pearl; gold earing with black stone and smoke pink stones
Another set of rings without gems